Final Announcement
Islet biology, insulin secretion, immunology and transplantation
S1 Islet cell death and regeneration
Role of innate immunity in b-cells and diabetes
Growth factor signaling in the regulation of islet cell regeneration
S5 Islet biology : an islet in distress and islet imaging
Insulin action and obesity
S2 Brain-peripheral tissue communication
Role of Rho-kinase in hypothalamic control of energy balance
Organ-organ interaction for metabolic control
Hypothalamic mechanisms of dietary obesity and co-morbidities
Role of glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78) in control of melanocortin 4 receptor signaling
S6 Translational studies on glucose metabolism
S10 Physiology and pathology of lipid metabolism
S14 Novel targets in steatosis and steatohepatitis
Clinical diabetes and therapeutics
S3 Recent advances in gut hormone and diabetes
Short-form glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) is expressed in pancreatic α-cells and gut endocrine cells
Molecular determinants within the core of the GLP-1 receptor that confer ligand binding and activation of the receptor
IBCAP; discovery of another intestinal hormone with beta cell augmenting activity
Bioconjugated incretin analogues for potential type 2 diabetes therapeutics
S7 NAD biology and metabolism
Therapeutic role of sirtuins in metabolic and age-related diseases
Control of the NAD+ redox state by the pyruvate dehydrogenase kinases
SIRT1 and/or AMPK activators as new drug candidates against metabolic disease from natural products
Epidemiology and genetics
S13 Diabetes prevention program in Asia
Epidemiology of Type 2 Diabetes in Asia
IDPP (Indian diabetes prevention program)
Long term effects of lifestyle intervention in different ethnic group
Japan diabetes prevention program (JDPP) and Japan diabetes outcome intervention trial-1 (J-DOIT1)
Panel discussion
Panel discussion
Panel discussion
S9 Juvenile diabetes
Acute and chronic complication
S11 Insulin resistance and vascular dysfunction
Regulation of microcirculation in diabetes
Insulin resistance and strategies to suppress vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation
Metabolic syndrome, adipokines and vascular inflammation
S15 Microvascular aspect of diabetic complications
Heart in diabetes ; a microvascular disease ( diabetic cardiomyopathy)
Diabetic Nephropathy; early marker and new therapeutics
HbA1c variability as a risk of microvascular complication in diabetes
Behavioral medicine & education (Nutrition)
S12 Introduction to 2011 KDA clinical recommendation of medical nutrition therapy (MNT)
Introduction to overview of 2011 KDA Clinical recommendation of MNT and compared to ADA 2011
New version of KDA Dietary recommendations-MNT, energy intake and carbohydrate
New version of KDA Dietary recommendations- protein, fat, vitamin and mineral
New version of KDA Dietary recommendations- fiber, sodium and alcohol
S16 Diabetes self-management education
Educational experience for children with diabetes
Diabetes self-management education for older adults: general principles and practical application
The effect of diabetes education that was applied to reinforce the lifestyle modification
Foot care for diabetics
S4 Diabetes education recognition programs in Asian countries
Recognition programs of diabetes educator and team in Taiwan
Learning roadmap for diabetes educators in Singapore
Recognition programs; an Australian experience
The status of diabetes education programs and clinics in Korea
S8 Exercise and pre diabetes
Physical activity in type 2 diabetes prevention programs
Role of physical activity in pre / hypertension
Exercise and type 2 diabetes: ACSM and ADA joint position statement
KDA-HIRA Joint symposium
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